Saskatoon Zoo in the Winter

Winter is cold in Saskatoon and it is also long, which can only mean one thing…your children will drive you crazy! As a parent we need to be creative with how we spend months of hibernation; here are 10 reasons to take your kids to the zoo in winter!

1. It’s free. If you’re like me, that is reason enough to justify almost anything. Did I say almost? What I meant was ANYTHING.

2. Everyone else is doing it. Actually they’re not, if you are looking for some serious solitude with your little chillins, this is the place! Parking lot, empty.

parking lot





3. Animals be chillin’. Outdoors. Since they are not too warm and therefore sleepy and maybe a little lonely, they come and say hi or growl or whatever their thing is.

red panda lynx





4. There are 3 places to warm up, one of which has the best washroom in the zoo!

swan washroom





5. There are 2 parks to hit! Old school in the zoo through the tunnel, just past the concession and one before you go into the zoo, near the wedding arches.






6. The concessions are closed. At first you might be like, what if we want to get something but then you’re going to be like thank god my kids can’t ask me for something! 😀

7. There are washrooms all over the forestry farm park (in a trailer) to your right as you go towards the zoo parking and inside the zoo (when you first walk into the zoo and in that building past the wolves across from the Red Panda…what’s that building called?)

8. They have goats. They don’t REALLY bite. Maybe they do but as long as you’re careful and keep your hand outstretched its good, did I mention that NO ONE is around so if you like petting smelly, friendly goats, you my friend are having a good day!






9. Cameras. Give your kids cameras, they’ll spend the entire time (almost) not fighting because they are looking for that perfect shot and who doesn’t love taking pictures of animals.

10. Bats, bunnies and spiders oh my.

bats bunnies





We go to the zoo at least 5 times every winter. The kids love it, we get out of the house so my sanity loves it and its a great way to spend a winter day in Saskatoon. What’s your favourite reason to go to the zoo in the winter?

Saskatoon-15 Things to Do in 3 1/2 Months of Summer

Shakespeare on the Saskatchewan festival tents...
Image via Wikipedia

Summer in Saskatoon lasts for about 3 and a half months, better do as much as humanly possible in that time! Here are 15 things to do in 3 1/2 months!

1) Jump

For joy because it is FINALLY summer!! Did you think winter was EVER going to end this year…OMG longest one ever!

2) Greenhouses

We have two pretty awesome ones to check out:

Both places are a shoppers dream and a great place to celebrate summer!

3) Walking

There are 6 awesome places that I love. Great walks to take new or not new dates on…

4) Berry Barn

You can pick the freshest berries that you will EVER eat living in Saskatoon!

5) Forestry Farm

You didn’t think that I would leave out our classic zoo, did you??

6) Farmer’s Market

Fresh produce and Sask made items for your shopping pleasure. They are open Wednesdays 11am-5pm and Saturdays 8am-2pm.

7) Garage Sales

The area you live in should have a website, that lets you know when the community garage sales are taking place or you can search them out through the StarPhoenix in the classifieds.

8) Shakespeare on The Saskatchewan

This event seems pretty self explanatory! You have Shakespeare, you have our river. July 6th-August 21st

9) Waterfront Craft Art Festival

Takes places on Spadina, June 11th.

10) Sasktel Saskatchewan Jazz Festival

If you love Jazz or music, this is one festival you will want to go to! Pretty sweet.

11) A taste of Saskatchewan

Mmmmm. July 19th-24th. Everybody likes to eat!

12) PotashCorp Fringe Theatre

July 28th-August6th. Great place for unique things!

13) Saskatoon Exibition (August 9th-14th)

EVERYBODY goes to this one! I have to admit that this place is getting a little scary at night. If you have a family or you are scared easily ,I highly recommend that you go during the day. Just saying…

14) Folkfest

August 18th-20th. Food, fun and alcohol! 😀

15) Get Married!

Somebody HAS to get married this year, might as well be YOU!! Yay weddings are fun! Do it! I have even included a link from the Justice and Attorney General of Saskatchewan, (how romantic) for frequently asked questions about getting hitched in Saskatoon. BEST DAY EVER!

I didn`t list EVERYTHING happening this summer here in Saskatoon. So if you want to list your event, go right ahead and do so! 🙂

Saskatoon Forestry Farm: 6 New Ways to Enjoy It!

Welcome to the Forestry Farm Park and Zoo Sask...
Image via Wikipedia

If you live in Saskatoon I am quite certain that you have been to the Forestry Farm, even more so if you are a parent. In fact, you probably have a season pass, because it is kinda like giving charity to our zoo animals. Us Saskatonians are a thoughtful bunch that way.

After going to the Forestry Farm 3 times, you probably feel confident that you have seen all there is to see. I am giving you new glasses today and 6 new ways to enjoy our friendly neighborhood zoo…

1. Quarters

No not for the bars that are prohibited here in Saskatoon, but for the birds. The next time you check out the Forestry Farm, bring a pocket full of quarters for bird seed. For your entire duration while in the park gates, resolve to only seeking out birds and feeding them. This will shift your entire experience. When you are all out of bird seed, disinfect your hands and go home; today was bird day, NOTHING else.

2. Random Walk

On Random Walk zoo day, you are only permitted to walk off the beaten path. You may need a child leading you on this day’s adventure. Spend the morning walking on all the natural paths that swing around the animal gates and the other paved, much more taken paths. The best way to prepare for Random Walk day is to tell your child (if you don’t have one, get ready to get strange looks when doing this) that today is adventure day and have them lead you on the random walk.

3. Picnic

You have done this. DON’T do this at the benches in front of the concession area. THAT’S not a picnic, that’s lunch…outside. Bring a blanket, your little lunch kit of food and hand sanitizer! Have a picnic in the zoo area (preferably away from bird feces). The Forestry Farm has beautiful trees and nicely shaded areas for relaxing and picnicking.

4. Train Day

Train day is great for lazy days or the super hot ones where your shoes are melting to the cement. Hop aboard the train and enjoy a little of the scenery, that you may not regularly enjoy because the train ride covers the entire perimeter of the zoo and let’s face it, that’s a big walk for your day off. After your exhausting train ride, go home and nap…your deserve one! 😉

5. Tourist Day

Do you own a flower shirt and a camera?? You are soo ready for this! You need friends with the same gear, large group is best. On Tourist day you take 300 pictures and ask total strangers to hold your purse or bag while they take your picture. You want pictures of you standing in front of EVERYTHING! In fact, grab a local and get a picture with them too and mumble to your friend how they look like so and so and how that’s weird. Post that on Facebook, best day EVER.

6. Forget Glasses

On THIS special day, you need glasses ones that help you read stuff. But oops, wouldn’t you know it, you forgot them at home! Silly you! As you walk through the zoo, everytime you get to a new enclosure ask your new friend (the stranger standing beside you) to read the plastic animal info chart and tell you what it says. When they are done reading it, you say hmm that doesn’t make any sense, with a confused look on your face. Maybe this one should be entitled forget brain day, whatever you call it, it will be a unique experience.

Okay, there are your 6 NEW ways to enjoy our classic Saskatoon Forestry Farm, I didn’t say they were good ways, I just said they were new and they are, until you do them, then well, technically they’re not.